This is a very large modern building, all glass panes. A ramp takes you up through the building to each level which is dedicated to subject areas. Rows of shelves are high, however there is plenty of other space with bright lounge funky modern chairs and lots of desks with computers. One area is dedicated to 132PCs. WiiFii is accessible everywhere. The Children's Library is on ground floor, along with the popular library. The popular library has all the latest books, CDs, DVDs etc, not childrens. They are like are branch libraries or indeed are public libraries whilst the rest of the collection is more like our state library but you can borrow. Our impression of libraries so far is they have lots of staff, very heirachical and siloed. The clerks do all the circulation work, they are not qualified in library work or indeed have any desire to be... they may have other quals. say in business and are waiting for something to come up in their area of study within the City (Council). Everyone else has to have a Masters in Librarianship. There is lots of security satff on the entrance and each floor! They sit and watch! This has been the case in all 3 libraries so far.
Great photos!